Sunday, August 9, 2015

Jesus Year

I had a thought today... As today is my Birthday and I am turning 33 years old, it marks what the First World has dubbed my "Jesus Year".  A bench mark of age that it is believed Jesus was crucified. So knowing this, my first thought was "why on earth would we celebrate that?". The man died that year, well not only did he die; he was tortured, and then murdered, placed on display for all to see, mocked for his convictions and beliefs.   That is not something to look forward to, that is not something I would like to endure this year, I thought "Nah, I'm good, I'll leave that for someone else." That was my first thought... But then I began to think about in a new light. 

A motivational speaker by the name of Eric Thomas once said, "Don't count the cost." What he is saying is don't bog yourself down with thoughts about how much it will take to get something done, don't allow yourself to fall into the trap of wishing things were easier.  Do what needs to be done regardless of circumstance, we should live more by "Covenant" and less by "Contract". "Counting the cost" only cheapens the experience, it makes it seem like you are for sale, if they gave me this I'd do that, or I would if I would get this.  Much like a prostitute, and how many of us would be comfortable living under that distinction. Do what needs to be done regardless of circumstance. "Don't count the cost."

My initial feeling towards the "Jesus Year" was a concrete example of counting the cost.  True, on his 33rd year this man endured more than anyone could imagine, he faced betrayal, persecution, imprisonment, torture, and ultimately death.  But, that is exactly what he was born to do, in his 33rd year he was able to fulfill his destiny, he was able to step into his purpose.  Jesus did not count the cost, he did not bother with the details of what it would take to achieve his goal instead he chose to simply submit to what God had for him. This is the meaning of the "Jesus Year", it is time to be who you were born to be. It is time to step into your destiny knowing that whats on the other side is more important than anything that came before. 

I am humbled by the opportunity to live my life as it should be lived, I am thankful for the gift of age and experience, and I am excited to receive all that God has for me in my "Jesus Year". 


  1. It's looking like I need to stop counting costs because this Jesus Year of mine is looking less than fulfilling.

    1. I feel you bro. I'm committed to making it happen By Any Means Necessary.
