Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Life Quotes

"A wolf does not wait until he sees sheep to grow teeth." - Juice 

Preparation must always precede performance; it's about falling in love with the process and not just the results. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

It Ends

I wish I could say it came out of no where, I wish I could say I was totally blindsided and there was never any indication that it would end the way it did, but I can't. The events that have played out over the past couple of days could have easily been foreseen and avoided if I were only looking through a sober mans eyes. But a man that is drunk with the hopes of tomorrow, intoxicated by emotion, and brimming with what could best be described as foolish pride doesn't posses the clarity that is required to accurately predict such an implosion.  A persons actions are the truest display of their character, these actions show you who that person really is and what can be expected from them in the future. Don't be so foolish to act as if these actions are not valid, don't confuse what is said for what has been done, do not make the mistake of believing things will improve when nothing has changed but their words. 

In the end the blame is mine and mine alone. All she ever did was show exactly who and what she was and I chose to believe there was something more, something better and there was not. She is and will remain that broken little girl that has no concept of accountability, no understanding of discipline, and very little idea of the sacrifice required for progression.  A beautiful young lady that hides her flaws behind a mask of perfection, an ugliness that penetrates to the bone and is only fully revealed under the influence of alcohol.  What must she have seen to allow her to spit in my face and believe it's ok, what must she have experienced for her to see physical violence as an appropriate response to emotional pain?  Her actions cannot be justified or excused, they can only be judged for what they are. 

Actions speak louder than words. Look, Listen, Learn