Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Fog

Yesterday I was thinking about how screwed up my brain has become and I have definitely found the reason why. Well, I have definitely found one of the reasons why because there is clearly a packed house at this party of dysfunction. But I digress... "Multitasking" as it was called at its inception has lead me to lack the ability to maintain focus on any one thing for any great length of time. Remember when being able to toggle between two or three different activities was the new hot thing? Multitasking was so popular it became a resume highlight under "Skills' like you wouldn't believe the ability I have to lose focus, redirect focus, and regain focus lol. But somewhere along the way, probably with the invention and mutation of the cellphone, multitasking became an extreme inability to place your singular attention on anything. I know I am not the only one that struggles to do one thing unless it is accompanied by at least three other things with the constant being my cell phone. It is really sad at this point. I am serious, the other day I was about to go to the bathroom and got back up, pulled my pants up and walked back out to the living room to retrieve my phone before I could relieve myself. And even when I do have my phone I can't just be on one app, no I have at least three or four going at the same time. Mindlessly switching between Instagram, Facebook, ESPN, and the oh so deadly new comer "The Group Chat". It's outrageous at this point. Multitasking has morphed in to a complete state of mental confusion and created a fog of complete fuckery that devours productivity at first sight. People, we must fight back. We must not go quietly into the  night... reclaiming our ability to focus is what's going to set us apart. When all around us are dancing like junkies, pining for that next virtual fix we will be the ones who guide the culture to its righteous destiny (full disclosure; I reached for my phone in the middle of typing that sentence... I need help smh). But onward!!! To help in this endeavor I have taken up the habit of morning meditation. Training my mind to focus has been a task but I feel it is necessary to conquer the battle front of mental clarity. Failure is not an option! So let us all pursue the goal of becoming more mindful, more present, less busy and more focused. We can do it! I think.

PS. I am changing the skills portion of my resume to read "Ability to focus on a singular task for as long as it takes to be completed."