Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Of Nights Past

On these restless nights when the sun has laid to rest
A delightful dance ensues between thought and consciousness 
Not dream nor thought or mindful message sent
Just flash and flicker of random past events
The time has no rule and neither does the pain
For when the moment ensues only you bear the blame  
These visions are dull at first but slowly become quite clear
The night has kept you hostage and there is more to come I fear 
It can't be turned off no more than it can be denied 
The past is what haunts you that is what burns inside 
Though you feel it's power you try to remain clear
Focus your feelings you plead as you wipe away the tears 
You vow to be stronger to rage against its plight 
But even in the struggle you can't withstand it's might
You must become silent and then the lesson can be learned
All that is avoided is destined to return
Learn from the suffering and prove those lessons true
Or next time the night comes lurking it's quarrel will be with you