Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Its You! Isn't it...?

Who are who? WHO ARE YOU? Ummm... no really who are you? You ever take the time to think about who you really are? Or better yet, have you ever taken the time to point out those monumental moments that made you.  What I know about myself and others is that more often than not there are only a few key moments or circumstances that serve to mold what is portrayed as "YOU". One moment of being picked on or bullied, one instance of being let down or betrayed, there is always a reason for what you see or what a person chooses to show you. It's like looking up at the stars, we see these beautiful balls of burning gas and light, we view them in real time, not as they are but as we see them.  In all actuality, what we see of stars are their history, we never get to view their true self because of the light years of distance this image must travel to be viewed.  All we ever see of stars are what they once were, just like people; their past is what’s most visible. 

My... how we are prone to overreact.  We build entire personas, personalities and attitudes based upon experiences that seem so minor from the outside looking in.  But from that vantage point you aren't able to see the pain of child that has been let down time and time again.  Simple circumstances can create an immense influence and it is not up to anyone to label these occurrences minor or small, let's not forget that the flood that destroyed the city began with a single drop of rain. 

I believe that the "MAN" and the "MASK" are one in the same, the face that is shown and the face that is hidden all belongs to the same individual and over time each become just as real and true as the other.  What I show you is my honest reaction to what has been presented "then" and the "me" that may be seen by someone else may be totally different but just as true.  Our reactions my vary but the reactor remains the same, so it should come as no surprise when we see or hear about behaviors of an individual that don't seem to match up with our own experiences with this person.  No one is the same all of the time, different situations provoke different responses and I would dare to say that those that can maintain a constant in spite of all the change around them are the most dishonest or better yet counterfeit of us all.  Their refusal or inability to react honestly to the changes around them exposes an inner vulnerability, to be completely genuine you have to be open to not only what is going on but with whom you are. 

"Great strength is often built to mask even greater weakness." Juice

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