It is an exciting New Day; I have made the transition from a place where I have spent all of my 29 years to a place that will spring board me to the next 29. It's all ways a since of nervousness when making a move or going from the familiar to the new but that feeling is so exciting. Like your first day of school or being the new guy in class, it’s a chance to make your mark on people who have never met you and a place you have never been.
A new place, a new me? Well maybe not a new me just a more ready me... Ready to take advantage of all the things I have learned and the experiences I have survived in my time in the 757. No more Excursion stories, no more club fights (only on a PRN bases), no more four day drinking binges, no more suspended license, no more "should we take 64 or the boulevard?", no more fake tags lol, no more "how did we get home?", no more letting the clip ride in the front driveway, no more punching holes in the wall, no more "HRBT", no more being a no call no show because your busy making natural ice mimosas lol, no more "what he do?" and "how he do it?" lol, no more going shot for shot especially when you’re the only one drinking, no more "I bet you can’t", no more having to say "that was too much", no more "them beach boys"...
When you live in the same area from kindergarten to college you build up a sense of comfort and through the years that sense of comfort turns in to a dependency. I am definitely going to miss my old stomping grounds, it gave me the tools to handle anything that life may throw at me but it is time to move on so today is truly a New Day.
stay low and keep your feet moving. also remember, as one chapter ends....