Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Let there be light"

There is power in words.  

The words that come out of your mouth have the power to change the world.  Just think of all the monumental moments in history that were ignited by the words of great speakers;  from Martin Luther King to Abraham Lincoln, from FDR's fireside chats to the rants of Adolf Hitler, words have been the inspiration for building and destroying nations. Words bring immediate emotional responses, when you read the word LOVE it almost instantly makes you think about your most powerful connections to that word.  Because of the power that words hold we must take great caution in which ones we allow to exit our mouths.

Being more positive with what you say can change your life.  Allowing only those positive messages to leave your lips can put you in a state where you feel like you can conquer the world.  Our words have the power to dictate our mood and affect the mood of those around us.  That is why we should guard against being the person who is always the bearer of bad news because over time people will view you as being negative and unpleasant to be around.  Instead we should always speak to the future, we should speak to what could and will be, we should speak to greatness and all things positive. 

I am a firm believer that we actually speak things into existence... Yes, the words that come out of our mouths will manifest into tangible, real things.  I believe that the man that says he can and the man that says he can't are both absolutely correct.  Your words can place limits on what you think you’re capable of or they can unlock abilities that you never knew you possessed. The world will place more than enough challenges in our way; we then should not compound those obstacles by placing verbal parameters around ourselves.  Instead we should use our words to release the many things we have to offer this world and ourselves.


1 comment:

  1. immediate conviction. damn, i needed this message today. i just (about 7 minutes ago) cut a person's head smooooth off. the battle of the two wolves continues.
