Wednesday, January 18, 2012


How long will this journey last? Though I do my best to stay immersed in the now sometimes I take a moment to raise my head and ask that question. It seems to be that those steps toward progress are often placed on a path heading up hill. Each step becoming more difficult than the last, making it all too easy to turn around and forfeit any progress made.  They joy of running down hill is always so tempting but seldom as productive as the climb back up.  So when I ask myself "how long will this journey last?' I find that the answer comes in the form of another question, "are you going to quit?" 

If you are not prepared to quit then the length of the journey doesn’t matter.  For all of us the struggle to succeed can end as soon as we want it to, all we have to do is quit trying...  It's really as simple as that, take myself as an example, if I want to get rid of all the obstacles in my way, if I want to alleviate all the stress and wake up tomorrow free of trouble, all I have to do is give up and stop striving to be more.  Problem solved, no more busted tires before work with no spare to put on, no five day bout with some stomach virus, no shorted paycheck from your previous employer, no child support payments, no twelve hour shifts, no job searches, no nothing... Just quit trying and it will all be over with. But I just can’t do it, to me "giving up is way harder than trying", so I deal with all the bullshit that life brings and I will continue to take those steps toward progress because I know my journey will be a long one "but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep..."

Endure - to continue to exist; sustain without impairment or yielding; to hold out against

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