Friday, January 6, 2012

Cupid is an Idiot

What’s love got to do with it? Seriously, I’m a person who often says that I would rather be in like than in love.  I have never been in love... I say that because all though I have loved some of the women that I have dealt with I never acted like it when we were together.  It has always been when we are no longer together and I reflect back on that particular situation that I realize that I loved that person.  I don’t know what makes that relationship hurdle such a large one for me?  

I think a number of factors play a role in my perception of love and what exactly it is to a relationship.  I would have to start off by stating the fact that besides my grandparents there is not a married couple in my family and I don’t think love was a part of their relationship for the years I was alive.  I also find it odd that just about every woman I have ever dealt with has told me that they loved me... It’s like once they feel that a certain amount of their check list has been satisfied the next step is love.  In my mind love is more real than that, it has to be... If love is something that can be just tossed around when a person feels satisfied or threatened by loneliness then I don’t want it.  Love should not be a trivial thing, I would always think to myself when a woman would tell me they loved me "how can you love me and you don’t even know me, at all?"

It's said that "love is as love does", if that statement is true then why are there so many dysfunctional relationships out there where one of the participants is holding on because of "love".  If a person isn’t acting like they love you then there is good chance that they don’t.  Love often becomes a thing in our society, a noun like house or cloud.  That is why I say I’d rather be in "like" than in "love", like is a verb, it shows action, it gives attention, it moves.  When love becomes this institution with walls and floors then in my mind it is dead, instead love should flow or sweep through.  It should be powerful and inconvenient, a force you feel that can’t be controlled and will serve as the motivation for your actions.  May be one day I’ll fall in love with a woman and she will fall in love with me but until that time comes I will settle for "like", it seems to be much less confusing.

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