Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What time is it?

"It really all comes down to timing"... This is something that I have learned in my life, it’s all about timing. You can have everything you need but if it is at the wrong time for you to have it then it will not last. You have to be in the proper mental space to accept and recognize your blessings. Growth, success, love, and life, they all require a perfect sense of timing for each aspect to play its proper role. 

In my life I have had expensive cars, money, women and everything in between but the timing for those things was off so they did not last. By timing I mean that I was not in the right state of maturity to accept those blessing and there for I lost them. It takes time to mature and for me it took more time than most but all of those hard lessons have made me into who I am today. For the longest time I was a person that had to learn the hard way, if advice was given it would fall on deaf ears. I chose to walk the path of life exactly how I wanted to and it didn't matter if I had witnessed others fail doing the same things I was doing, they weren't me. Doing things your way leaves you with scars and experiences that can’t be duplicated or taught, you are the man in the arena and you must survive by your own rules. But there comes a time when we all must listen, taking heed to the experiences of those who came before us. This is a lesson that only life will teach you and either you learn it early or late but believe me you will learn it. 

Now I have reached a point in my life where the timing is perfect. I have gone through things that have taught me so much that I wouldn’t have learned from just listening to someone else and I have also reached the point where I can accept advice. So now is the time to "do" and reap the benefits, it is time to become who I always knew I could be. The time is now and I’m thankful for every minute it took to get here.

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