Have you ever been around a person that is so visibly uncomfortable with themselves that it makes you a little uneasy? I was talking with a friend the other day and the conversation was centered on his brother, his brother is a heavy set fellow that may or may not be gay. Now the latter part of that statement had nothing to do with our conversation but it may play a factor in what we were discussing. I have only been around his brother a couple of times but I immediately noticed that he was very uncomfortable with himself, he was always tugging at his shirt making sure that it wasn’t embedded in any folds he may have. He also began to tell an outrageous story that placed him in the center of a fake shootout, where he was the last action hero lol. His attitude, posture and disposition just screamed "I am not happy the way I am". After speaking with my friend about it, it turned out to be a correct assessment, he said his brother is unhappy with himself but won’t do anything to fix it.
What makes a person feel like they are not worth the time and effort it takes to change what they dislike about themselves? I say this and it is not speaking negatively of those who might be overweight, gay, short, tall, slim, slow, or anything else. If you are happy with yourself then it doesn’t matter what you look like or what size you are but if you’re not happy, why don’t you change it? Don’t you believe that you deserve to be happy and comfortable with who you are? What mental blocks have been put in place that it has become easier for you to live in your own misery than to fight for change...?
I just hope that those people out there that feel like they are not worth it, find someone or something to let them know that they are and giving up on yourself is not an option.
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