Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pillars of Sand

How strong is your foundation? What do you stand for? The answers to these questions are most often tested during periods of transition.  In life we move from one phase to the next, always changing and adjusting to circumstances that are presented to us.  Some change is necessary and gets placed under the heading of growth and development.  Other change is harsh and can shake the structure of your life putting all that you have worked for at risk.  Its funny how both types of changes may be happening at the same time and caused by a singular event. How you perceive what is taking place is almost as important as the action itself.  Change, growth, hardship, pain...Life.  

Something I always say is "a man has to stand on more than his two feet". What I mean is when you are going through life and things occur and they always do, you have to posses the internal fortitude to be strong in spite of all that may be going on around you.  The strength to withstand the rain and the pain, the strength to endure suffering and hardship, the strength to embrace change.  That ability all stems from the foundation on which we stand.  But how solid is your foundation?  Was your foundation forged in the fire of struggle and experience or was it manufactured by the opinions of others?

Are you building your life's castle on pillars of sand?

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