How should I begin this…? The Blog thing is quite new to me and I don’t have any great motivation for starting one. I have been told by friends and family for quite some time to get out there and put my thoughts on display for all to see. Don’t know how much I have to say but “Here we Go!”
Well let me introduce myself, my name is… well for blog purposes I will refer to myself as Juice, lol. This is a nick name that I have earned over the years from my boys, we all have other names that we go by and each one has specific meaning behind it. But any way I am 29 years old and live in the 757, I have lived here my entire life and needless to say I am trying to get the hell out.
Basically this is just going to be a running journal of my thoughts, feeling, and opinions on any and every thing. No holds barred, you might not like what I have to say but it will be real and truthful or at least what is true as I see it. Just a warning… I’m a whole lot of things, my boy Panama is always talking about the “Duality of Man” and let me tell you, it will be on full display. Depending on whom you ask and for that matter when you ask them, they will tell you that I am everything from a dumb, sex crazed jock to a thoughtful, well mannered gentlemen. And the crazy thing is they would be absolutely right.
So that’s just a little taste of me and the direction I am going with this whole blog thing. Check me out from time to time and I will do my best to keep it updated and full of all types of craziness.
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