Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.... Your boy went out last night and I feel like shit today. I went to a cool little party in the Beach, pretty woman, plenty of drinks, pretty good music... you know, the usual. But now I feel horrible, I have been sluggish all day and can't seem to catch the beat. I would have to say I drank a little too much last night but it was a party... so why not get it in? I don't think I have a drinking problem, my problem comes when its time to stop the drinking lol That has always been my personality. I don't know when to stop and I usually go too far. But hell, what is too far? How will you ever know your limits if you don't push them? Now I am not condoning drug abuse or alcoholism. But there is something to be said for a person who is not afraid to push it to the limit.
Speaking of going too far, this reminds me of when I flipped my Excursion... This was a night that was wrong from the very start. It began with the boys and I getting a rather aggressive pregame in at the house, we were taking rounds of shots of just about every type of liquor you can think of. This lasted for about an hour until all of us were pretty wasted and motivated enough to go out. So we all jump into the truck and go to this little hole in the wall spot where we were pretty much the only ones there. The DJ is blasting the music and we are all in party mode. We know just about everybody that works at the bar so the drinks are damn near free. Round after round gets ordered and before you know it we are all on the dance floor going wild. Lol I mean bumping and grinding with the girls that are there and the ones that came with us as well. My boy Panama gets into a dance battle with himself in the mirror lol and he won! I mean this shit is going down like a plane crash, more drinks, more music and more dancing...
The night is winding down and we are in rare form. Leaving the club is all pretty much a blur... there are pictures being taken, pants being pulled down, and late night plans being made. We all hop back in the truck with plans of everyone meeting back at the house to continue the festivities. Now there are about 4 people in my truck and my boy Tex's truck is full too. Now here is where the going to too far thing rears its ugly head. Tex and I stop at this stop light right outside the club, I don't know who started it but engines begin to get revved and a stare down commences. The light turns green and we are off, making a left at the light, then flying down a winding road that is tough to drive sober at noon, let alone wasted at about 2 a.m. At this point my shirt is off and I am pressing the gas peddle so far to the floor that I have to let it up and press it down again just to go faster. (drunk logic). The music is blasting, I'm wasted and driving a 7 passenger truck as fast as it can possibly go down a street that looks like an Indy Car track. At one point in the race I am flexing for the camera as my boy Panama takes pictures of me with his camera phone(getting the picture lol) and my boy Fair is in the back seat with a girl doing all that he can to make it happen lol
Now at this point we're half way home and coming up to the largest curve on this long winding road. I don't know if it was the speed, the drinks, the music, or the flexing but I lose control of the truck. I hit the curb and a light pole and flip the tuck onto its side. As the truck is sliding down the street Panama is holding on to the hand rest, trying not to get road rash and with his other arm he is keeping me from sliding on top of him from the drivers side. Meanwhile Fair is in the back seat fighting to keep from sliding out of the window and underneath the truck, as he is doing this he is also holding the girl to keep her from sliding out the window and underneath the truck. After what feels like weeks the truck comes to a halt, my heart is pounding but all I can think of is the safety of everyone in the truck. I start yelling "Is everyone alright?" slowly everyone in the truck responds, we are all OK... Now can you say "going too far"
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