Sunday, November 27, 2011

Do you see what I see?

My mother, my sister and I were having a conversation last night that covered a myriad of topics but one topic that proved to be most interesting was the ability or lack there of to see your own mistakes.  Think about that for a moment... is that not one of the most important qualities you can posses.  The ability to point out and accept errors you have made, without ego or shame.  Being honest with yourself and first noticing that a mistake was made and then going about the business of fixing it.  There is a saying that "pride comes before the fall", the  pride they speak of is that blinding factor that does not allow you to see your mistakes.  Operating under the shroud of ignorance that what you do is without error or flaw is supremely dangerous and somewhat annoying.  

Now with all of that being said, I might be public enemy #1 when it comes to this offense lol.  I am a supremely confident person and I try to put a great level of forethought into what I do and how I do it.  This does not mean that I operate without error and it also does not mean that I am not receptive to criticism. But hell... that doesn't mean I enjoy hearing it!  In saying that I recognize that I need to get better at inviting criticism and also making the necessary adjustments once I receive it.  Yes even Superman is up for receiving coaching...  

Earlier today I was talking to a lady friend of mine, the conversation was about mentors and the positive effect they have.  She played a recorded interview of man that was mentored and now serves as a mentor.  In this interview he made a wonderful point that has stuck with me. He said that when you get placed in a tough situation it is your responsibility to make the best of it and do what is necessary for you to succeed.  He went on to say that reaching out for help is also a responsibility and in doing that you create life long relationships with those people who will serve as your support system.  That point really made me think about the way I deal with things.  I am never one to run from a challenge or difficult situation but I rarely reach out for help when dealing with these things.  The ability to handle all that life brings is wonderful but you can not underestimate the importance of relationships.  Those positive encounters with people who are placed in your life for a reason, those moments should be fostered and built upon.  That is an area of improvement that I see needs to be made in myself. See how easy that was? lol... 

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