"You have to learn to live with regrets..." Are there things in your life that you wish you could do over, any instances where if you could, you would gladly hit the reset button with hopes of changing things for the better? When I look back at my life I can think of countless times where I wish I would have done this differently or that another way. But I think the things that I regret the most, the moments where I would gladly go back and change are the times that I failed to do anything. It's the times where I chose not to act or take that chance that haunt me the most, all of those moments where I sat back and let life happen without my direct influence, those are the moments that I wish I could get back. A decision made is easier to deal with than is an opportunity missed...
"Its so loud inside my head with word that I should have said and as I drown in my regrets, I can’t take back the words I never said." Lupe Fiasco
I like Lupe. I have one regret, that I only really think about when asked about past regrets. I regret not waiting until I was married to have sex. All of my other problems, dramas, heartaches, etc. would have been avoided had I stayed a virgin.