So it’s 2017 and not much has changed, yes we are more technologically advanced then anyone in the century prior could have ever imagined, true we have made substantial progress as it relates to general education and all things learned, and yes we as a people know more about whatever there is to know than our ancestors ever did. But, as it relates to race, respect, and perspective we have only moved inches towards a goal that was established post slavery; pushed during the civil rights movement, and somehow abandoned in the years since. Why is it that in 2017 I as a black man have to stand behind such monikers as Black Lives Matter, I Cant Breathe, and Hands Up Don’t Shoot? Why in 2017 is a man ostracized, vilified, boycotted, and banned just for peacefully protesting during the National Anthem? Why in the hell in 2017 do we have a president that viciously reprimands those who play a game and exercise their constitutional rights, but defends a Lynch mob committing hate crimes only an hour away from our nations capital? Why?
I have thought about the state of this country’s racial climate many times, it has enraged me, befuddled me, and almost driven me to tears. But at the end of all of that I am left with this; white people see black people in the same light that a person sees their dog or pet. Read it again if need be. I offer this scenario and I hope you find truth in it. I have “owned” pets my entire life. I grew up in a farm like environment where dogs were a staple. My family has multiple pages in every photo album dedicated to the dogs we’ve owned throughout the years. Now as a dog owner you come to realize that your responsibility is almost parental, that dog depends on you for guidance, food, companionship and discipline. As the dog matures it develops a personality of its own. It has likes and dislikes, certain things provoke it to operate in a certain manner, and eventually it begins to test the boundaries of its ownership. Now when a dog gets to the point where it begins to test the boundaries of its owner it is time for that owner to instill some discipline into the dog. Everyone goes about disciplining their pets in all sorts of ways. I have seen everything from verbal scolding to physical reprimanding and full on abuse. But, no matter what this fact remains, it doesn’t matter what you do to that dog or how poorly you treat them, if that dog ever snaps at you it’s a bad dog. Take that in for a second... You could treat that dog like it was the worst thing on earth, kick it, slam it, not feed it, or keep it outside from one season to the next and with all of that it better not ever retaliate, it better not ever snap at its “master”. That’s how white people view black people. That’s why they are up in arms with our level of social unrest. That’s why Black Lives Matter pisses them off. That’s why NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem causes their blood to boil. That’s why Trump called them son of a bitches while proclaiming a lynch mob had good folks in it... A loyal dog should never bite its owner under no circumstances.
There are white folks that see the proud acts of defiance from a people they once “owned” as betrayal. They feel as though we (black people) should be forever grateful that they gave us freedom. “They gave us freedom” Like being free isn’t an unalienable “human” right! There are white people out there that feel this way and don’t even know it, they don’t know why they are against us but they are. They’re not racist, they don’t hate blacks, they just feel like things works best when everyone plays their “part”. For the ones that don’t get it, it is a complete waste of time trying to figure out why they don’t get it; because they don’t have to. I don’t bother to empathize with the struggles of my pets either, whatever they are going through is for them to figure out on their time as long it doesn’t interfere with the house rules... The plight of a minority is never the problem of the majority. Well, at least not until that minority stops asking and starts dictating the terms, but that’s another rant for another day.
What I will say is this, we are not your dogs and we are not slaves, we are not afraid and we are more than capable. We are not interested in playing our role or keeping things respectful. We are sick and more than tired of your shit. We matter and if you can’t understand why than we will be happy to show you.
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