Wednesday, October 26, 2016

You and "I"

Have you ever felt trapped? Not in a basement or air duck, or any of that sort of thing, I mean have you ever felt trapped within yourself.  It's like within you, you know there is so much more, more to give, more to be, and become but none of that can find its way out.   You are quite certain that some where in there is the real "you" but its almost like that person or at least the spirit of that person is trapped behind so many layers of bullshit it may never see the light of day again.  Sometimes I cant remember the last time I was me... That person only comes out in brief flashes nowadays, it's sad.  Our society goes about bombarding that part of us that is truly us way back in our childhood; teachers, parents, adults all telling us what we can and cant do based on the failures of their life.  Killing that voice inside of us that pushes us to make this experience match exactly what we want it to be.  

Have you ever thought about exactly who or what that voice is? Have you ever pondered on the concept of "I"?  I know, it sounds crazy but give it some thought.  When we speak we say "I have a heart or a mind or a soul." so that suggests that we are not those things, we have those things but those things are not us...  We speak in terms of ownership and possession, we do not address them as if they are what we are, no, they are just what we have.  We don't say "I am soul", we say "I have a soul."  So who is I?  We all can agree that a person is so much more than a name or a title, or even a gender.  What we are, what we truly are seems to be without classification.  Our level of consciousness can't be clearly defined, yet we all know what it is.  To be truly conscious is to realize that the body is nothing more than a vessel and the soul or spirit of that vessel is nothing more than its true personality... But you are none of those things.  You are an expression of life, or to be more accurate you are an expression of energy.  

Deja vu, intuition, instinct... all are words we use to help ourselves not get too freaked out when we are able to know what we couldn't have known and experience what we know we have done before.  This is life happening on its purest level, when energy can freely flow and allow our consciousness to tap back into the universal powers we all sprang from.  There's a reason you can "speak things into existence" and "prayer works", when we do those things, when we allow ourselves to focus energy towards a specific point and that vibration tears down the worldly confines that "I" is trapped behind.  It grants us permission to be.  In those moments nothing is beyond our grasps, fore we are now what we have always been and that is who "I" really is. 

“Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” 
― Alan W. Watts

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