Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Scar Tissue

Scars aren't supposed to bleed... No, a scar signifies that the wound has healed, that the pain has ceased.  But how often do our scars bare the emotions of moments past, pain that aches until what was supposed to be healed bleeds as if it were freshly cut.  The blood that scars produce is thick, much more primal than what the original wound spewed forth, this blood does not drip or run, no it oozes out like pus.  Painful and unpleasant best describes this purging of the past, our scars tell the stories of what we were and what we did, those scars... each one earned, a price had to be paid, a debt collected.  But somehow it isn't over; those experiences always come back and play a part in our today, no life without history, no now without then.  When scars bleed it allows the truth to seep out, not filtered by the mouths of liars and well wishers, just an uncut truth that has been earned over time and through experience.  When scars bleed, that's when we know that we're alive, our past is not our present and our future is not yet here.  Our scars tell the story of who we were then, the tales of men who once were boys, the pain and struggle that marks the progression to manhood.  

Some scars tell lies of their own, covered with skin and scab the healing looks to be in progress, if not complete.  But what lies under the surface is a wound that has yet to be addressed, a simmering sore of pain and emotion, just below the surface lies a volcano of hurt.  These are the scars that bleed, not band aide nor dressing can contain the blood that flows from these memories, that moment, this pain.  A man asked to become a father and a boy who never had one of his own, a man who knows what's right and should be done and a boy who doesn't even have respect for the title.  This scars blood has gone unnoticed for years though the stains were always there, never recognized but ever present. A scar made by a man, treated by a woman, and given to a boy. A wound so deep and disfiguring that it just became a part of who the boy was, like asking a child born without vision how it felt to be blind...?  If that is all you have ever known, what do you mean how does it feel? It doesn’t.... it provokes no emotion either way but it still has lasting effects.  It's funny how being born without affects everything you were born with...  

A scars blood signifying growth, change, acknowledgement, atonement... A wound that has finally been addressed and given time to properly heal.  

Monday, September 17, 2012

TOP Ramen

If it were easier to quit I'm sure I would have done it a long time ago but there is something in me that makes that impossible.  I guess you can call it pride but that really doesn't explain it, its more of a defiance, the same quality that prevents me from giving in is the same thing that gets me into trouble in the first place.  An arrogance that believes that the rules don't apply, not to me... I am the exception, I am forever going to be the one that got away with it, the one that bullied his way through and did it on his own terms.  The fact that the "rules" are consistently enforced and "life's" sentences are constantly carried out never deters me from living under this veil of superiority. How can the rules apply when we're not playing the same game?  "Clearly you are not special..."  But my belief that I am remains unshaken, the facts that are beginning to pile up to prove otherwise don't mean anything, well at least not to me. 

I came to realize a long time ago that the path I have chosen or the one that was chosen for me is going to be a rough one, so for me to have any chance of reaching the finish line I must remain confident that this is the right direction and I will eventually get there.  A few detours, some recalculating, but no stopping...

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Let me ask you a question, do you believe? Well do you? Belief is a powerful thing, it's something that is very rare, most of us desire, wish, or want but very few of us truly believe. Belief takes commitment, it requires you to subdue all that is logical and rational, it demands an immersion of self. Things happen differently for believers; their lives play out over a grander scale than those who just wish, want, and desire. A believer can change the world; a believer can be so resolute in his or her convictions that they can inspire others to believe as they do. Believe... 

I believe I can and therefore I will, it's really that simple, true believers don’t dwell on small things; things like facts or history, no a true believer only has and needs one thing, their faith that it, whatever that "it" is will come to pass. You can’t tell me I won’t when I believe I will, that concrete foundation of self empowerment is unshakable. I believe, do you? 

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
Abraham Lincoln

Now I could let these dream killers kill my self-esteem Or use my arrogance as the steam to power my dreams.
Kanye West 

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. 
W. Clement Stone 

Never let life impede on your ability to manifest your dreams. Dig deeper into your dreams and deeper into yourself and believe that anything is possible, and make it happen.
Corin Nemec

To the degree that you believe, you will achieve.
James Allen