I just want to be free. Totally free, free of the mental confines of society, free of socioeconomic imprisonment, free of fear, free of it all. When most speak of freedom the conversation is centered around persecution and overt threats to ones inalienable rights. We believe that all should posses this freedom, we also believe that we live in a time where most have it. I don't believe that at all. I believe that we are so conditioned by the powers that be that we don't even know which way is up anymore. It's like the story of how one goes about training fleas...
To train a flea you need only a clear jar with a tight lid. A flea trainer gathers up a group of fleas and places them in the jar, twists the lid on tightly and waits. Once in the jar the fleas try desperately to escape, bouncing off the lid and all sides of the jar. The fleas can see the world around them and they use all of their might to obtain it, for a while. Eventually after countless attempts to break free they begin to measure their pursuits, only going as far as their past failures. These fleas are slowly conditioned to view anything outside of the clear jar as mere fantasy, it can be seen but never obtained. The jar that was once their prison is now their home. As time goes by there is rarely an attempt to break through this invisible barrier and at that point the flea trainer knows the process is complete. The jar is opened and the fleas are released, they can see the world as clearly as they could while in the jar. At any moment a flea could use the power within them to hop where ever it chooses, there are no limits, no barriers, there is only opportunity. But a conditioned flea doesn't even understand the term "escape". You see the jar is the perfect prison because it does more than thwart any attempt to go beyond its walls, it also distorts the reality of ones capabilities. Because the jar is clear it evokes hope that there is so much more to be had, a whole life to be lived within all the opportunities that are clearly visible. But this clear jar is solid in structure, it allows you to be in the world but never of it. What is seen can never be obtained, and after failed attempt, upon failed attempt the fleas comes to know that the allotted space of the jar is all that there is for them. Much more diabolical is this form of conditioning compared to just physical imprisonment because once the mind is conditioned there is no need for walls. The flea operates in a bubble that it believes there is no escape from and not only will it never test its limits, it will also instill those same beliefs into its children.
The process is perfect because it embeds the illusion of choice. It's like taking a multiple choice test and believing you have the freedom to choose your own answer... But all of your choices have been preselected, sure you can be right but the maker of the test can never be wrong. Even the most intelligent test taker is no more than a pawn in an elaborate game of control and deception. Sure you can achieve great heights and amass large fortunes, making you feel as if you have conquered the game of life. You have more than most so you must be winning, right? That is the point of all this hard work, to have more than you started with and leave as much to those that follow as you can, right? But what about when you realize that what you have earned is just what they've allowed you to have? The feat of reaching the mountain top loses its glory when you realize that you can fly. All limits are imposed by those that couldn't and so the tell you that you can't. Once the process is repeated long enough those personal limits become universal laws that stand without question. These laws are given names, they are taught and re-taught, tested and proven to be true by the same methods that created them. If I tell you that you are a certain height and to prove this I use a tool that I invented that is marked in increments that I decide, how can I ever be wrong? The fact is that everything you "know" was taught to you by those that don't "know" anything. We are living our lives within a mental glass jar and I have grown tired of this system of control and illusion. I want to be free.