I know those that have more reverence for the all mighty dollar than they do for The All Mighty. In these superficial times we must guard ourselves against losing sight of what is truly important and valuable. I have never been rich but I have had a bunch of money and I have also had no money and because of this I can say with great certainty that there isn't much difference between the two. The money isn't real, they make it every day and its values changes more often than that. We place value on a colorful piece of paper because of the material things it can provide but those things are not important either. I liken it to fast food, sure it will fill you up and make you feel good for the moment but if you make it your primary source of nutrition you will one day wake up and not recognize the person staring back at you in the mirror. Yes, there are some things that we can't live without and we need some type of income to provide for them but beyond that it's just dust in the wind. Money comes and it goes and if you're blessed to be around long enough it will come again, so why place such a paramount on it?
Time is the only thing that we have that cannot be replaced, borrowed, or earned. There is no website for us to easily log in and check our balance and there should be no assumption that more will be given based upon status or wealth. Every one of us is given the same 24 hours in which to make our day as productive as possible. You can waste it or use it wisely but 24 hours is all you got and all you're ever going to get. As I write this a post I saw on Instagram comes to mind, it read "Beyonce has the same 24 hours in a day as you do..." Very simple and straight forward. Eric Thomas is a motivational speaker that I often listen to and he makes it a point to drive home the fact that "Your level of success depends on how you use your 24." Time is precious and fleeting, we should all make it a point to manage it more wisely.
Imagine that you are handed a $100 bill and told that this may or may not be the last amount of money you would ever receive, how carefully then would you go about spending it?