"The battle is for your mind” Have you ever thought about the
difference between your brain and your mind? Is there a difference? To me
there is, when I see the word brain my immediate thoughts are of an organ that
is responsible for regulating bodily functions and producing outward intelligence. But when I see the word mind my thoughts become much more in
depth. Your mind is an entity all unto itself, your mind is more than
just an organ, your mind is more than just an IQ score, to me your mind is an emulsion
of everything you are. The sum of your spirit, emotions, experiences,
thoughts, dreams, failures and successes... "Taken to the depths of
forever and multiplied by infinity" and that is your mind. The fact
that your minds make up is so complicated is the very reason why it is so
difficult to gain and maintain mental focus. People have spent days,
months, years in mental turmoil; having no idea of what to do to gain clarity
for their life and decisions. Millions of dollars are spent every year by
those that seek counsel to arrive at such clarity. Putting together the
jig-saw puzzle that is our mind is a task that can last a life time.
"The battle is for you mind."
All that we are
and all that we do begins with thought, this thought maybe conscious
reasoning or an unconscious reaction but it is a thought none the less.
So in order to gain any type of grasp on life and its trials we must
first be mentally sound and aware. Sound in knowing exactly who we are
and what we are trying to accomplish; aware of our environment and how it plays
a pivotal role in our success. Our minds can serve to propel us to
unimaginable heights and it can also spawn destruction that can only be found
in nature. It is said that whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe,
the mind of man can achieve. Think about that for a moment... Your mind
possesses the ability to create and make real, TO CREATE AND MAKE REAL...
A thought becomes a vision, a vision builds into an obsession, and an obsession
molds a life. Your mind is the most powerful thing on the planet and it
will serve you in whatever task you place upon it. This why the battle is
for your mind because if you gain the mental focus and clarity to conceive and
believe then you have gained a power that is unmatched.